Friday, May 28, 2010

Importance of Communication Skills

We are in the middle of the Third Revolution of Human History. the first was the "Agricultural Revolution", which changed the way the humans lived. Then came the "Industrial Revolution", which once again changed everything around humans.
  • the way they lived,
  • the way they moved,
  • the way they traded
  • the way they produced
Invention of Wheel followed by the electricity empowered humans to be much more dynamic and enhanced his productivity to a great extent.

Now we are experiencing the Third revolution of the Human History. This is the Communication Revolution". Once again everything is changing. Since last few years none of us has written a letter by hand, put in an envelope, pasted a Postage Stamp and put it in a Letter Box or a Post Office Box.

We either send an eMail or simply talk on phone to either exchange greetings and niceties or to accomplish a job. The way we banked, the way we purchased our travel tickets, the way we conducted our transactions, the way we purchased our needs have all changed or is changing.
Over next few years, we will have effectively covered the majority of the population completely integrated in to this revolutionary phenomenon. We can call this "Information and Communication Revolution".

  • This revolution has further empowered us by extending our reach and enhance our productivity;
  • Information is now amply and easily accessible;
  • The world is becoming border-less;
  • The cultures are aggressively merging in to each other;
  • The communication techniques are making exchange of information easy and affordable;
  • The business processes are being revolutionized;
  • The distance are being eliminated;
  • and so much more...................
I have started this BLOG to discuss the way we shall together face this revolution. How best we can prepare ourselves to meet the challenges this revolution is presenting on short-term and long-term basis.
  • What are the strong areas this revolution offers to enhance our capabilities?
  • What are the areas to be watched to ensure that we do not compromise our originality, human cahracter and values
  • Which processes can be improved with the help of the technology, to make us more efficient?
  • How can we contribute to the bonding of the communities and societies?
  • How can we prepare our next generation to get the best out of this huge change that they are going to face?
We shall exchange our thoughts and ideas related to the Communication revolution on this Blog and work together to make this world a better place to live.

Nazir Ahmed Vaid